
Download Your Career Services Brochure

It’s never easy to feel stuck in your job situation. Maybe you’re recently unemployed or furloughed due to COVID-19. Or maybe you’re facing reduced hours, and have felt undervalued and unappreciated in your job for years. You likely have an idea of where you want to go in your career, but you’ve not been able to reach your goals and know that something has to change.  

The good news is you’re not stuck. We put together this brochure to help people like you who are looking for employment opportunities but aren’t sure where to start. Your brochure is now ready: 

GuilfordWorks - Job Seekers iPad Graphic

A representative from the NCWorks Career Center will contact you soon to discuss specific ways we offer personalized support. As you consider new paths forward to career advancement, we invite you to check out these real-life success stories to learn more about how we help valuable workers like you achieve their goals.  

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