

Four Ways to “Recession-Proof” Your Career

Advice, Blog

As we work through a post-covid world while also preparing for a possible recession, it’s understandable to feel anxious when thinking about your career. As layoffs and hiring freezes become more common in today’s headlines, we want to better prepare you for changes in the workforce and help job seekers navigate the labor market with confidence and ease. This article breaks down some common “recession-proof” skills to better equip you for your next career move or feel more self-assured in your current role.



The ability to adapt to new situations is a valuable skill, especially in a troubled economy. Business decisions can shake things up and during a recession, unpredictable things are bound to happen. Being comfortable in unfamiliar environments and learning to succeed while facing new challenges is the key to being adaptable. Take time to understand other roles and responsibilities and become comfortable completing tasks not usually in your scope of work. Adaptability is a marketable skill that employers are always impressed with.


Project Management

When things are changing and uncertain, many employers are looking for someone they can trust to see a project through from start to finish. It’s essential to show that you can take on more responsibility as needed, especially during a recession. Knowing how to analyze a project and break it down into achievable action items is an important skill to build upon. Look for opportunities to take the lead on new projects or take the initiative to start one of your own.


Technology Skills

Staying up-to-date with the latest technology is important whether you’re an expert or just starting out. Familiarize yourself with the latest technology in your field, whether that be quality management software or coding development. Explore what’s up and coming (bonus points for learning how to utilize new technology), which will make you more marketable to potential employers and more valuable to your current employer.


Critical Thinking

Being able to thoroughly analyze an issue and develop strategic solutions is a necessary skill at any time. This skill can be utilized to predict opportunities, creatively solve problems using relevant data, and allow better connections in the workplace. Because of this, critical thinking is a valuable and transferrable skill you can put to use in any field. Though critical thinking is considered a soft skill, there’s always an opportunity for further development.


If you can harness your energy into developing a solid skill set, you’ll be better equipped for unexpected turns and factors out of your control in a troubled economy. Economies bounce back, and recessions come and go, but a robust set of valuable skills will outlast the toughest challenges.


At GuilfordWorks, we’re currently conducting a survey of our local employers in Guilford County, asking them to more about the experiences and possible challenges they’re facing with rising inflation. Once the survey is completed, we’ll report the findings to continue to help you navigate the job market. Stay up to date with all things GuilfordWorks, subscribe to our newsletter or connect with us on social media.

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