

How to Land Your Résumé on Top in Today’s Job Market

Blog, Job Seeker Advice

A resume plays a vital role in your employment experience, not only when you’re looking for a job but when you make any significant, work-related accomplishment. Your resume is a living document of your achievements, experiences or extracurricular activities your mom pushed you into, and it is important to keep updated throughout your career.

The days of dropping off hard copies are over—although that may be a novel approach to getting noticed. Online applications and digital uploads are now the norm. You don’t have to be technologically savvy to make your resume stand out, but these helpful tips could go a long way in helping you land that dream job.

Mind the ATS

Most employers utilize an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) during their hiring process. These systems are inherent on sites like Indeed, Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, and many other job boards. The software scans your resume for keywords, common skills, and jargon related to the job description. The ATS is meant to help align you as a job seeker with jobs matching your resume and enable employers to find suitable candidates quickly.

Navigating an ATS requires a few tricks. The first is to ensure your resume is in the appropriate digital format. Most ATS systems cannot read a PDF, so it’s best to opt for a Microsoft Word or Google Doc.

Keep it relevant

Although working at your local summer camp for several years might have been a great experience, it may no longer be relevant to the job you’re currently applying for, so cut it out. Be thorough when reviewing the job description, and if it applies, add any relevant keywords to your resume! Also, include any work experience that is closely related to the posted position and aim for 3 – 5 bullet points listing responsibilities for each job.

Bonus tip: Use these skills to discuss your ability to do related job requirements from the application when you get the interview!

If you have several years of experience, it’s best to choose the roles in which you had the most responsibilities and enjoyed the most. Your passion for your work will be clear during an interview, which can make a huge difference in landing that role.

Highlight your accomplishments

If there’s ever a place to brag about all the work you’ve done, it’s in your resume. Showcasing your hard work and experience is something to be proud of, and that confidence can go a long way in your career journey. Find ways to include any projects you’ve spearheaded, initiatives where you took the reins, new applications you’ve learned, systems you’ve introduced, or anything else for which you’re especially proud. Your achievements are important to include with the breakdown of your duties because they provide employers with concrete evidence of the work you’ve done.

Need to go into deeper detail? Cover letters and interviews are a great place to detail a passion project or major accomplishment and how it aligns with the desired role.

Still need more help?

Resumes can be daunting, but they can also be fun. However, if you need further resume assistance with your resume, visit one of our NCWorks Career Centers in High Point or Greensboro; they’re always happy to help.

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